
Discount Ends Soon!

Use Coupon Code: WOMEN40 for $40 off the monthly rate

Help With Your Diet, Fitness, Peptides, Hormones and MORE!! In one place!

My life completely changed at 53 years old and now I want to help you!

Let me help you to feel better, lose the weight, get the body you want and even sleep like a baby!!

Sick of the conflicting information or aggressive, uninformed doctors who make you feel like an idiot when you ask for hormone replacement therapy? Or peptides?! Sheesh. That’s an entirely different topic all in itself!

I was frustrated too. AND sick of being gaslit. 

That’s when I not only started getting some updated research and data, but I would stumble upon a TRAGIC DISSERVICE that has been done to women for many generations, when it comes to menopause. 

We are not the generation of women who just think, “This is normal that I feel like crap. It’s old age.”  MOST WOMEN start feeling symptoms of estrogen decline as early as their mid forties! We aren’t getting old, we’re running out of estrogen! And this generation of women is advocating for themselves more than ever before. 

Now ladies, I am not a doctor, and I won’t be giving you medical advice. But in my career as a direct response marketing copywriter for more than 20+ years, I was noted world wide for my impeccable ability to research. THAT is what I will offer you. Research and a conversation you may have never been a part of before.

New data suggests that those who take hormone replacement therapy are not seeing an increase in breast cancer, and estrogen positive cancers are not necessarily a reason to avoid HRT or BHRT. It’s a situation where you must be more careful, but no, you don’t have to suffer. Working with the RIGHT doctor can be the safety net you need. 

A lot of women think that taking “Natural” supplements is safer. When in reality, data suggests that anything we ingest has to pass the liver and it is VERY HARD on the liver to process oral hormones for years. Let alone with an epidemic of metabolic dysfunction in over 94% of American adults, absorption is not as effective. This is why other forms of estrogen, testosterone and progesterone were created. 


We will meet every week for an hour, it will be recorded by video and audio. Get access to doctors, experts, proper research tools, comparative data, coaching and more!

What if this could be the BEST time of your life and you could have more energy than you did in your 30s?

No one has the same biology. That’s why it’s so critical to know what to ask for and how to get the help that you need so that you can start feeling better, and enjoying your life!

I’m so excited to teach you the art of

Here’s Just Some Of What You Can Expect

  • All my resources that helped me so you don’t have to struggle to know what to do next

  • Why this is different when you are pre or post menopausal

  • A booklist that will be provided for your out of class learning

  • How to interview a doctor and find one who is a menopausal specialist

  • The main reason exercise is DIFFERENT now

  • The truth about how hormones are a big key to your best life and messed up hormones creates a messed up life!

  • Lack of sleep destroys your health and metabolic function

  • WHY so many doctors don’t know what to tell you

  • The benefit of testosterone for some

  • Difference between creams, gels, injections, patches, oral and pellets

  • Recognizing a great physician vs a quack (this is important!)

  • What are the key benefits of HRT

  • What injectable peptides I take that help so much overall

  • How I took peptides to heal my body and how you can too

  • What peptides lower inflammation the right way

  • What peptides are SUPER helpful during menopause

  • How to avoid being poisoned by peptides by doing things the wrong way

  • Why deep regular sleep heals the body and is mandatory, no matter what your life looks like

  • Doctors who specialize in this field available to you on our 2x a month interviews

  • Why your bone health is directly related to your estrogen county

  • How to get proper lab tests done so you’re not going in blind and have real data

  • The supplements you need to help you live your best life

And Much More!

Become the BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF! Even if you're in perimenopause, in full blown menopause or are post menopause!

Register now and get ready to feel EMPOWERED, CONFIDENT, and SEXY!

Start waking up every morning with boundless energy, ready to conquer the world.

WHEN:  Sessions are every Tuesday at 4pm CT and will run for an hour.

WHAT YOU WILL GET WEEKLY:  A Live session and full copy of the video recording.

Sandi will be bringing some of the best doctors and experts in this field to you, so that you can ask questions and get the help you need. Twice per month she will lead the group in a discussion of where my research has led and what I’m learning that month.


Limited-Time Discount Ends Soon!
Use Coupon Code: WOMEN40 for $40 off the monthly rate

This is a recurring membership and you will have access and be charged monthly until you cancel.


$597.00 PER YEAR

This is a recurring membership and you will have access and be charged yearly until you cancel.